June 22, 2021

Learn How to Sing Better: Improve your Singing in 3 Easy Steps

Level up your singing by improving your vocal techniques in 3 easy steps. 

Juliet Russell singing

The idea that only a few lucky individuals can sing is one of the biggest misconceptions about the music industry. Sure, we can’t all be born with the ability to sing like Ariana Grande, but anyone can learn how to sing. 

It’s true that some people are naturally able to hold a tune better than others. However, that isn’t all it takes to become a good singer. In fact, there are no shortcuts in learning how to sing. 

The truth is that learning how to sing better takes practice and a knowledge of vocal techniques. And the good news is that anyone can learn these singing techniques. So, even if you think you are tone deaf, we’re here to share some quick and easy techniques you can use to improve your tone and learn how to sing. 

Learn the Correct Singing Posture

Posture will massively impact your ability to play a musical instrument well. For example, a violinist needs to hold their entire body in the correct position (not just their chin) to keep their violin steady.

Singing is no different. When it comes to singing, your body is quite literally your instrument and simple techniques can radically improve your singing. Knowing the correct singing posture is one of the easiest ways to learn how to sing better. 

Slouching will trap your breath and distort or limit your tone. To sing better, correct your posture so that your breath can flow freely through your body. This will make it easier for your lungs and chest to expand when you’re singing so that you can access your full vocal range.

To learn the correct singing posture, stand in front of a mirror and check that your body is doing the following:

  1. You’re standing straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Balance your weight on your feet for support
  2. Your knees are slightly bent and loose
  3.  You’re looking straight ahead with your neck in a straight line – don’t look downwards
  4. Your shoulders are flat and relaxed – they shouldn’t move when you’re singing as this takes air away from your chest. However, make sure you’re not holding them too rigidly either
  5. Balance your torso on top of your hips and allow for the natural curve in your spine – this will allow your breathing to expand
  6. Your arms are relaxed by your side – there’s no need to try out diva or jazz hands just yet!

Just Breathe! Learn How to Sing from your Diaphragm

You might think you already know how to breathe. After all, you’re alive and reading this article! However, learning how to breathe as a singer is different. 

Having the correct singing posture will allow your breath to flow through your body, but now you need to learn how to control that breath. To sing better, you need to learn how to sing from your diaphragm. 

Many beginners will try to sing by breathing vertically. The easiest way to tell if you are singing vertically is if your shoulders move when you sing. If you have the correct singing posture, your shoulders should remain flat and still so as not to steal air away from your chest.

To sing correctly, you need to breathe horizontally from your diaphragm. Your diaphragm sits in between your lungs – just below your chest and just above your stomach. Place your hand here in order to encourage mind to muscle connection. Inhale and aim to bring all your air into your diaphragm. If you’re doing this correctly, your stomach will be full and your shoulders will remain still. 

Once you’ve managed this, inhale once again and then sing from your diaphragm. You should notice that your voice now has much more power behind it.

As you progress in your singing journey there are many different breathing exercises you can do. However, learning how to sing from your diaphragm is an important first step for a beginner who wants to learn how to sing better. 

Relax your Throat, Tongue and Jaw

Staying relaxed when singing can really improve your singing skills. There are a range of simple but specific vocal exercises that you can add to your singing practice to help improve your technique and confidence. As a result, you’re more likely to be able to relax and use the appropriate muscles when singing.

There are three key areas to relax to enhance your vocal tone:

  • Your throat
  • Your tongue
  • Your jaw

Your throat

If you notice any tightness or redness in your throat or face when you’re singing you are probably straining your throat. Not only is this adding unnecessary tension to your vocals, but it can also damage your vocal cords over time.

To relax your throat, place your thumb and forefinger gently over your voice box (on the top of your neck, below your chin). Sing a note. If this section feels strained try again until the muscle relaxes between your fingers.

Your tongue

If your vocal box already feels relaxed, it could be that you’re holding your tongue too tightly. Gently place your thumb in between your voice box and jaw. Sing a note and consciously try to relax your tongue to ensure that this muscle stays relaxed.

Your jaw

Relaxing your jaw is a really important step in learning how to sing better, as your jaw can massively alter the tone of your voice. 

Ultimately, everyone will position their jaw slightly differently when they’re singing. You will likely even have different ways of holding your jaw depending on the words or notes you are singing. So, there is no one size fits all.

However, a quick trick for knowing how far to relax your jaw when singing is to open it to the same extent as you would when speaking the word. 

This rule may change if you want to progress your singing skills and you want to learn operatic singing, for example. However, to begin, keeping your jaw relaxed in the same manner you would if you were speaking is a good first step in learning how to sing better. 

Consider Singing Lessons

Learning the correct singing posture, singing from your diaphragm, relaxing your throat and face muscles are important first steps for people looking to learn how to sing better. However, guidance from a qualified singing instructor or a professional musician can really help to take your singing skills to the next level.

At MusicGurus we offer online singing lessons taught by world leading musicians such as Juliet RussellJoan Rodgers and Adam Mishan. In HD video and sound, our music courses will help you develop your singing skills and teach you important beginner, intermediate and advanced vocal techniques. 

Browse our singing courses and take the next step in learning how to sing better today!

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